Challenge 12 - Armstrong Numbers

👋 Welcome Gophers! In this challenge, you are tasked with implementing a function that checks to see whether a number is an armstrong number.

Armstrong Numbers

Armstrong Numbers - An Armstrong number is a 3-digit number such that each of the sum of the cubes of its digits equal the number itself:

Armstrong Number

View Solution
package main

import "fmt"
import "math"

type MyInt int

func (nptr *MyInt) IsArmstrong() bool {
  n := *nptr
  if n > 999 && n < 100 {
    return false
  n1 := float64(n / 100)
  n2 := float64((n%100) / 10)
  n3 := float64(n % 10)
  calculated := math.Pow(n1, 3) + math.Pow(n2, 3) + math.Pow(n3, 3)
  return float64(n) == calculated

func main() {
  fmt.Println("Armstrong Numbers")

  var num1 MyInt = 371

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