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Implementing the Rocket Service

April 22, 2021

Course Instructor: Elliot Forbes

Hey Gophers! My name is Elliot and I'm the creator of TutorialEdge and I've been working with Go systems for roughly 5 years now.

Before we dive into the wonderful world of gRPC, let’s take the time to implement the business critical part of our gRPC service first.


Let’s start off by creating a rocket.go file within our internal/rocket/ directory that we created in the last video.

package rocket

// Rocket - should contain things like the ID for the rocket,
// the name for the rocket and the type of rocket. I.e. Falcon Heavy
type Rocket struct {
	ID   string
	Name string
	Type string

// Service - our rocket service, used for updating our
// rocket inventory
type Service struct {

// New - returns a new rocket service
func New() Service {
  return Service{}

An Interface Defining our Store

We want to define an interface that models how we want to store rockets within our database. By defining this here, we effectively enable ourselves to easily swap out our data storage system as long as it adheres to this particular interface.

// Store - defines the interface we need to satisfy for our
// service to work correctly
type Store interface {
	GetRocketByID(id string) (Rocket, error)
	InsertRocket(rkt Rocket) (Rocket, error)
	DeleteRocket(id string) error

With this in place, we can then update our Service struct and add a Store which we then pass in within a New function:

// Service - our rocket service, used for updating our
// rocket inventory
type Service struct {
	Store Store

// New - returns a new rocket service
func New(store Store) Service {
	return Service{
		Store: store,

We can now set about implementing our functions to use this new store interface implementation:

// GetRocketByID - retrieves a rocket from the store by ID
func (s Service) GetRocketByID(id string) (Rocket, error) {
	rkt, err := s.Store.GetRocketByID(id)
	if err != nil {
		return Rocket{}, err
	return rkt, nil

// AddRocket - Adds a rocket to our store
func (s Service) AddRocket(rkt Rocket) (Rocket, error) {
	rkt, err := s.Store.InsertRocket(rkt)
	if err != nil {
		return Rocket{}, err
	return rkt, nil

// DeleteRocket - deletes a rocket - most likely rapid
// unscheduled disassembly
func (s Service) DeleteRocket(id string) error {
	err := s.Store.DeleteRocket(id)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil

We now have a fully implemented Rocket service. I’m not going to do a full CRUD implementation as that isn’t the point of this course.


Awesome, so in this video, we have think we have a successful implementation for our Rocket service. Think being the keyword in that sentence.

As it stands, we have no tests yet for this service so we need to set about solving that problem quickly. We’ll be tackling this particular issue in the next video in this course.