NodeJS JWT Authentication Tutorial

Elliot Forbes Elliot Forbes ⏰ 8 Minutes 📅 May 25, 2019

Welcome fellow programmers! In this tutorial, we are going to be looking at how we can add authentication to our NodeJS applications using JWTs.

We’ll be creating a REST API that feature a mixture of authenticated and un-authenticated JSON endpoints and we’ll be implementing a nice and simple JWT validation function that will verify incoming requests to ensure they have the appropriate authorization header set and that the value of that header is a verified JSON Web Token!


By the end of this tutorial, we will have covered the following:

  • We will have created a really simple REST API using ExpressJS
  • We will understand how we can create middleware functions that we can wrap endpoints with.
  • We will understand how to add JWT Authentication to these middleware functions to ensure only authorized requestors can hit our REST API endpoints.


In order to complete this tutorial, you will need to have the following:

  • NodeJS installed on your machine
  • A Text Editor (I recommend Visual Studio Code)

Video Tutorial

This tutorial is available in video format if you prefer:


Being able to verify who is hitting your API endpoints is incredibly important. It allows you to determine if the requestor is an authorized person who is allowed to actually interact with your service.

This is where JWT authentication can solve our problems. We can create use JWTs in combination with request headers to help us validate that an incoming request is authorized or not.

JWTs or JSON Web Tokens

JWTs or a JSON Web Token, to use its full name, is a means of representing claims between two parties.


A typical JWT features a Header, a Payload, and a Signature.

JWT Structure

Let’s break down what each of these is used for:

  • The Header - This contains metadata about the JWT such as the type of token and the cryptographic algorithm used to secure it.
  • The Payload - This is the set of claims contained within the JWT that contains a series of key/value pairs. The payload can be read by anyone, so ensure that you don’t add any confidential to the payload.
  • The Signature - This is used to validate that everything in the JWT has not been tampered with in any way and is generated using the header, the payload and a signing key or passphrase.

In this tutorial, we are going to be creating JWTs that feature an incredibly simple payload. We’ll be then signing any JWTs we create using a private RSA key.

This private RSA key is only known by the server issuing any JWTs used and thus, unless a bad actor gets a hold of this key, it’s almost impossible to generate a JWT token that will have a valid signature.


Now that we have covered the theory, let’s set about creating a simple REST API in NodeJS that uses Express.JS. Create a new directory in which our project will live and run the following:

$ npm init

Keep everything as default values for now, we can edit this later should we need to.

Now that we have initialized our project, we’ll need to install the express.js Node Module:

$ npm install express --save

This will go away and fetch the required express node module which we’ll be using to construct the REST API that we will be securing.

Note - We are using Express here in this particular example, but the concepts in this tutorial are framework-agnostic and can be used with other web application frameworks such as Koa.

Now that we have all of our dependencies installed, we can go ahead and write some code! Create a new file within your project directory called index.js.

const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const port = 3000

app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Hello World!'))
    () => console.log(`Simple Express app listening on port ${port}!`))

This is an incredibly simple application that returns Hello World! whenever you hit the / path on port 3000. You can subsequently start this application like so:

$ node index.js
Example app listening on port 3000!

With this now running, navigate to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser and you will see your application returning the expected Hello World! back to you.

Adding a few Endpoints

Now that we have a basic NodeJS application up and running on port 3000, let’s look at how we can extend this and add a few endpoints which we can subsequently protect.

I’m going to keep this super simple for now so that we can focus on the JWT authorization and not the underlying application.

Open up your index.js file once again. Let’s add a few new HTTP GET endpoints:

const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const port = 3000

app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Hello World!'))

// let's first add a /secret api endpoint that we will be protecting
app.get('/secret', (req, res) => {
    res.json({ "message" : "THIS IS SUPER SECRET, DO NOT SHARE!" })

// and a /readme endpoint which will be open for the world to see 
app.get('/readme', (req, res) => {
    res.json({ "message" : "This is open to the world!" })

    () => console.log(`Simple Express app listening on port ${port}!`))

Now that we have these endpoints, let’s re-run our application to ensure we haven’t broken anything:

$ node index.js
Simple Express app listening on port 3000!

Let’s open up http://localhost:3000/secret in our browser window now that this is up and running. You will see the following response:


And when we open up the /readme endpoint, we should see the following:

    "message": "This is open to the world!"

Perfect, in this step we have been able to add 2 additional endpoints to our application that we will be attempting to protect with JWT validation in the next step of this tutorial.

Generating a Valid JWT

In this step, we are going to create 1 additional endpoint for our application that will return a valid JWT token for us to test out the authentication in subsequent steps.

In order for us to generate and validate these JWTs, we’ll need to first import the jsonwebtoken node module:

$ npm install --save jsonwebtoken

Once we have this node module installed, we can then go ahead and create a custom /jwt endpoint which will create a JWT token for us which features an incredibly simple payload { "body": "stuff" } and is signed using a private key that I generated for a deprecated project.

Create a new file within your project direct called private.pem and add the following key:


Next, open up your index.js and add the following:

const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const fs = require('fs')

// ... our other endpoints

app.get('/jwt', (req, res) => {
    let privateKey = fs.readFileSync('./private.pem', 'utf8');
    let token = jwt.sign({ "body": "stuff" }, "MySuperSecretPassPhrase", { algorithm: 'HS256'});

// ... the rest of our index.js

When we open up http://localhost:3000/jwt in our browser after restarting our application, we should see a valid JSON Web Token returned to us:


Awesome, we now have a valid JWT that we can use to test the authentication we are going to be building in the next part of this tutorial!

Authentication Middleware

Let’s have a look at the authentication function which will look at an incoming request and parse it for an Authorization header.

function isAuthenticated(req, res, next) {
    if (typeof req.headers.authorization !== "undefined") {
        // retrieve the authorization header and parse out the
        // JWT using the split function
        let token = req.headers.authorization.split(" ")[1];
        let privateKey = fs.readFileSync('./private.pem', 'utf8');
        // Here we validate that the JSON Web Token is valid and has been 
        // created using the same private pass phrase
        jwt.verify(token, privateKey, { algorithm: "HS256" }, (err, user) => {
            // if there has been an error...
            if (err) {  
                // shut them out!
                res.status(500).json({ error: "Not Authorized" });
                throw new Error("Not Authorized");
            // if the JWT is valid, allow them to hit
            // the intended endpoint
            return next();
    } else {
        // No authorization header exists on the incoming
        // request, return not authorized and throw a new error 
        res.status(500).json({ error: "Not Authorized" });
        throw new Error("Not Authorized");

Now that we have this isAuthorized function, we can update our /secret endpoint to use this function as middleware.

app.get('/secret', isAuthorized, (req, res) => {
    res.json({ "message" : "THIS IS SUPER SECRET, DO NOT SHARE!" })

If we restart our application and try hitting the /secret endpoint once again, we should see the following response:

    "error": "Not Authorized"

Perfect, this has worked exactly as expected and we aren’t able to access our /secret endpoint without the appropriate Authorization header set. Let’s attempt to hit this endpoint with a curl command, we’ll add the Authorization header and set it to jwt along with a valid JWT retrieved from our /jwt endpoint.

curl -H "Authorization: jwt " http://localhost:3000/secret

Awesome, with this valid JWT in our Authorization header, we’ve been able to access the /secret endpoint!


So, in this tutorial, we have managed to create an isAuthenticated middleware function that we can wrap our express API Endpoints with. This isAuthenticated function parses incoming HTTP requests to check if they have the appropriate Authorization header set and then checks to see whether the value of this header is a valid JWT token that has been signed with a specific private key.

Source Code - The full source code for this tutorial can be found here: TutorialEdge/node-jwt-authentication-tutorial

Further Reading

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