Level Up Your Go Skills 🚀

My name is Elliot 👋, and my goal for TutorialEdge is to build an online resource that helps to accelerate the learning path for new Go developers.

My courses attempt to bridge the gap between learning the fundamentals of Go, and being able to build production-ready applications in Go.

Gopher planting a tree

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My goal for TutorialEdge is to make it one of the best online communities for learning Go. I want to help empower you to build quality Go applications that follow the best practices.


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Latest Tutorials

🕘 6 Minutes

Consuming A RESTful API With Go

This tutorial demonstrates how you can consume an already running RESTful API using Go


🕘 8 Minutes

Containerizing your Go Applications with Docker - Tutorial

In this tutorial, we look at how you can containerize your Go applications using Docker!


🕘 1 Minutes

Converting a String to an Int in Go

In this code snippet, we are going to look at how you can convert a string to an int value in Go


🕘 1 Minutes

Converting Byte Slices to Strings in Go

In this article, we look at how you can convert a byte array or slice in Go to a string value.


🕘 14 Minutes

Creating a RESTful API With Golang

this tutorial demonstrates how you can create your own simple RESTful JSON api using Go(Lang)


🕘 6 Minutes

Creating A Simple Web Server With Golang

In this tutorial I'll be demonstrating how to create a very simple web server using Google's GoLang programming language.


🕘 1 Minutes

Creating Real-Time Chat and Activity Systems With Getstream.io

In this video tutorial, we are going to be looking at how you can build realtime chat and activity systems with GetStream.io's fantastic product offering,


🕘 1 Minutes

Deleting Elements From A Map In Go

In this snippet, we are going to look at


🕘 1 Minutes

Embedding Lua Scripts in Go with Shopify/go-lua

In this snippet, we are going to look at how we can embed lua scripts into our Go applications using the Shopify/go-lua package.

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