Python Modules Tutorial

Elliot Forbes Elliot Forbes ⏰ 4 Minutes 📅 Aug 28, 2017

This tutorial was developed using Python version 3.6.

Larger Python projects require larger degrees of order and sub-dividing your project up into logical blocks can greatly improve the readability of your codebase. In Python we can do this sub-division using a concept using modules.

Say for instance you have a program that bought and sold widgets on the stock market. This project does a number of things:

  • It performs analysis of the widgets and returns recommendations as to whether to buy or sell these widgets
  • It performs the buying and selling of said widgets
  • It produces reports of the widgets it has bought and sold

In this scenario the code would be far too much for one file and as such breaking it up into multiple modules would make sense in this instance. We could have an analysis module, a trader module and a reports module.

Our Python project structure would then look something like this:

- widgettrader/
- - analysis/
- - trader/
- - reports/
- -
- requirements.txt

What is a Module in Python

Before we go on to creating our own Python Modules, it’s important to know exactly what a module is in Python.

A module can be defined as a file containing Python definitions and statements. The file name is the module name with the suffix .py appended.

Defining a Simple Module

We’ll start off by defining a very simple module that will exist in a .py file within the same directory as our script that we’ll be writing.


Within this file we’ll define a very simple function test() that will simply print Hey, I'm a test! like so:

def test():
    print("Hey, I'm a test!")

Within our file we can then import this testmodule as a module and use our newly defined test() method like so:

import testmodule

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

That is all we need to define a very simple python module within our Python programs.

Defining a Module Within a Sub-Directory

In order to define a module that exists within a sub-directory in Python we need to follow a number of steps, in this example we’ll be creating a module named analysis:

  • Create the analysis/ directory
  • Within the analysis/ directory add a new file.
  • Create a new file within the same analysis directory

Once we have done this we would then define all of our analysis module’s code within the file.

## analysis/
def my_analysis_func():
    print("Executing Analysis")

We could then chose to either import this module directly in our file like so:

import analysis.analysis


Notice that when we call import we have to specify analysis.analysis. This is because our file lives within the analysis/ sub-directory. If we wanted to truncate this to just import analysis we could add the following line to our analysis/ file:

## analysis/
from analysis.analysis import my_analysis_func

Our code would then look like the following:

import analysis


Which, I’m sure you’ll agree is more succinct and cleaner to read overall.

Difference Between a Python Module and a Python Package

It has to be noted that there is a difference between a Python module and a Python package. The key thing to remember is that a package is a module that contains multiple modules. Whilst a normal Python module may be a single file or multiple files that are imported under one import.

  • A good example of a Python module would be our the analysis module that we defined in the previous section of this tutorial.
  • A good example of a Python package would be the xml package. This include multiple sub modules such as the xml.etree module and an even deeper xml.etree.ElementTree module.

Relative Path Imports

Importing modules using their full path can be an arduous task and thankfully Python offers us the ability to import modules from using relative paths. If we continue our analysis module example from above, we could modify the analysis/ file to use relative imports like so:

## This would import the module which was
from .analysis import my_analysis_func

This would mean that it would try and resolve the module from the relative path of the file instead of having to specify the absolute path of the module like analysis.analysis as we had before.