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Sunset in the mountains

Challenge 10 - Word Frequencies

In this challenge, you will be tasked with efficiently counting the frequencies of words in Go!

Difficulty: Beginner

Data Structures
Sunset in the mountains

Challenge 11 - Sets and Subsets

In this challenge, you are going to be implementing a function that checks to see if a set is a sub-set.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Data Structures
Sunset in the mountains

Challenge 12 - Armstrong Numbers

In thie challenge, you are tasked with checking to see if a number is an Armstrong number in Go!

Difficulty: Beginner

Sunset in the mountains

Challenge 13 - Smallest Difference between Ints

In this challenge, you are tasked with finding the smallest possible difference between 2 int slices.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Sunset in the mountains

Challenge 14 - Leap Years

In this challenge, you are tasked with implementing a function that returns whether or not a year is a leap year.

Difficulty: Intermediate

Sunset in the mountains

Challenge 15 - Repeating Letters

In this challenge, you are tasked with implementing a function that takes in a string and then duplicates the characters twice within the string.

Difficulty: Beginner

Sunset in the mountains

Challenge 16 - Odd or Even Factors

In this challenge, we are going to be implementing a function that will return either "odd" or "even" depending on the number of factors of a number.

Difficulty: Beginner

Sunset in the mountains

Challenge 17 - Decode the Secret

In this challenge, you are tasked with decoding this secret message and returning the unencoded string in Go!

Difficulty: Intermediate

Sunset in the mountains

Challenge 18 - Min Rotations

In this challenge, you will be tasked with finding how many rotations an ordered slice has undergone.

Difficulty: Intermediate

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